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Health & Training

  • methylated-vitamins-who-should-supplement-them

    Methylated Vitamins – Who Should Supplement Them?

    Methylated vitamins play a key role in many aspects of health. If you’ve been following this series, you know how beneficial they are compared to their non-methylated counterparts. But are they for everyone? Let’s take a look at who would benefit the most from supplementing…

  • research-suggests-watching-sports-can-boost-well-being

    Research Suggests Watching Sports Can Boost Well-Being

    With the Tour de France, La Vuelta, and the Olympic games getting ever closer, there’s a lot of fun to be had watching some cycling on TV. New research suggests that watching sports is not just about having fun, though. Researchers claim there are measurable…

  • how-to-deal-with-missed-training-sessions

    How to Deal with Missed Training Sessions

    Missing training can feel bad, especially when you’re following a structured plan and you’re motivated by a race coming up. There’s good news and bad news if this had happened to you. The good news is that you lose fitness a lot slower than you…

  • methylated-vitamins-benefits

    Methylated Vitamins – Benefits

    Methylated vitamins are involved in several essential processes in the body so it’s not hard to find ways in which they could be beneficial. Let’s take a closer look at where they do the most important work in the human body and what may be…