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Health & Training

  • ways-to-succeed-as-a-cyclist-not-motivated-by-goals

    Ways to Succeed As a Cyclist Not Motivated by Goals

    Did you set no New Year’s resolutions? Do you have no personal records you’re dreaming of breaking? No podiums to fight for? Some may think that you’re crazy having no cycling goals. But we think you can be a successful cyclist whoimproves over time even…

  • reasons-to-skip-a-ride-that-you-should-not-ignore

    Reasons to Skip a Ride That You Should Not Ignore

    Skipping a ride in MTB culture is often perceived as a fate worse than death. However, sometimes skipping a ride is the best thing to do. You know, going down a trail or climbing an absurdly steep pick should be fun. It should be your…

  • is-cycling-and-lifting-in-one-day-too-much

    Is Cycling and Lifting in One Day Too Much?

    Strength training and cycling are both beneficial for cyclists. Endurance training is obviously vital for sport-specific performance, but strength training is crucial for injury prevention, overall health, and longevity. So, the question is, should you try to fit both into one day?