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Weight Loss – How to Do It Right

By Jiri Kaloc

Now that you know how weight loss works and you went shopping for the right foods, it’s time to put it all together. This article will take you through a day of eating for weight loss. There are endless variations and everyone will choose different foods but these basic principles will always apply.

Drink plenty of water

First thing to keep in mind, liquids are only for hydration, not for getting in calories. Stick to water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee. Stay away from soda, fruit juices (yes they are healthy but not helpful for weight loss), sugar-loaded lattes, and alcohol.

Three good meals a day

If you commit to three good meals a day you will have a much easier time resisting temptations and avoiding intense hunger. Plan your meals ahead and cook on the weekend if you don’t have time during the week. And remember each of the main meals has to contain a sizeable portion of protein and fibre.

Have healthy snacks ready

Even if you plan everything well, you might find yourself a bit hungrier than expected or just craving a little treat. That’s when you have to be ready. Fill your pantry and fridge at home and at work with the right snacks like nuts, canned tuna, dark 70% + cacao chocolate, or some high quality protein bars with no added sugar.

Meal-plan for a day

Now let’s look at some examples of weight loss friendly meals.

Breakfast – Egg omelette with romaine lettuce on a side (alternatives: Frittata, Eggs with veggies and bread, Oatmeal with nuts and berries, Yogurt with nuts and berries)

Lunch – Chicken breast with sweet potatoes and fresh veggies (alternatives: swap chicken for any kind of meat or fish, swap sweet potatoes for legumes, white potatoes, rice, or buckwheat)

Snack – Almonds with berries (alternatives: Home-made protein shake or bar, dried meat, an egg with fresh veggies)

Dinner – A big tuna salad with olive oil and avocado (alternatives: Shrimp with buckwheat and fresh veggies, Roasted fish and root vegetables, or any lunch style meal)

As you can see, there are many options and each meal can be tasty and filling even when trying to lose weight. Next week I will have several recipes for you to get you started.

Next up in Weight Loss series