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Tag: Copenhagen

  • exploring-copenhagen-by-bike-a-guide-for-cycling-families

    Exploring Copenhagen by Bike: A Guide for Cycling Families

    Copenhagen, the city of cyclists, is a dream destination for families looking to explore on two wheels. With its extensive network of bike lanes, kid-friendly infrastructure, and unique attractions, Copenhagen offers an unparalleled experience for cycling enthusiasts. Here’s how to make the most of your…

  • bicycle-sales-skyrocket-coronavirus-is-changing-the-cities

    Bicycle Sales Skyrocket: Coronavirus Is Changing the Cities

    Few businesses could report an upswing in their sales during these trying times. However, everything bike-connected is sold out as soon as it is restocked. New bike sales on eBay tripled in April and sales of secondhand rides were up 23 % in comparison with…

  • childrens-bicycling-playground-copenhagen

    Children’s Bicycling Playground in Copenhagen

    Cycling is such a part of Copenhagen transport that even the road markings can intimidate a visiting foreigner.  So how do Copenhagen’s children learn the rules to help them understand all the workings of a cycle-priority intersection?  At the playground, of course.

  • intelligent-traffic-signals-boost-cycling-copenhagen

    Intelligent Traffic Signals Boost Cycling in Copenhagen

    The Danish mecca of cycling enthusiasts is modernizing its controllers in traffic signals in order to make using public transport and bicycles more favourable. The city council is investing in the ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), installing them at 380 intersections. Optimizing the signals in real…

  • cycling-copenhagen-explained-expat

    Cycling in Copenhagen Explained by an Expat

    Ondřej Brož is a Czech expat living in Copenhagen. He has always been a fan of cycling, but started riding regularly in early 2015 when he bought a road bike. What were his first cycling impressions after he’d moved to Denmark? Is Copenhagen really a…

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    GALLERY: Photographing Copenhagen’s “Biking Vikings”

    Mikael Collvile-Anderseen describes himself as an “Urban flâneur. Bicycle Urbanist. Single Dad. Copenhagener.” on his Instagram account, but he’s also a photographer. As a true citizen of the Danish capital he’s very keen on cycling and boasting his city’s treasures: perfect cycling infrastructure and the…