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Tag: Coffee

  • new-research-coffee-may-help-fighting-obesity-and-diabetes

    New Research: Coffee May Help Fighting Obesity and Diabetes

    Cycling is good for your health and it turns out that drinking the cyclists’ favourite beverage, coffee, might help too. Scientists from the University of Nottingham have discovered that drinking a single cup of coffee can stimulate brown fat tissue, which could help fight obesity…

  • new-research-25-coffees-a-day-wont-make-your-arteries-stiffer

    New Research: 25 Coffees a Day Won’t Make Your Arteries Stiffer

    Researchers from the Queen Mary University of London looked at a relationship between coffee drinking and arterial stiffness and their results will make all coffee enthusiasts happy. They showed coffee and healthy arteries go together well and that different lifestyle factors are the likely culprits.

  • is-it-safe-to-eat-coffee-beans

    Is It Safe to Eat Coffee Beans?

    Cyclists love coffee. Some love it so much they want to eat the coffee beans! Is that as crazy as it sounds or is there something to it? Let’s look at the differences between drinking and eating the products of a coffee plant.

  • the-more-coffee-you-drink-the-longer-you-will-live

    The More Coffee You Drink, The Longer You Will Live

    There’s been a new study looking at the effects of coffee drinking on health, and the results are pretty cool. Apparently, you will live longer and have a lower risk of disease if you drink coffee, and the more you drink of it, the better.…

  • 3-reasons-why-you-should-try-cold-brew-coffee

    3 Reasons Why You Should Try Cold Brew Coffee

    Cold brew is not just a trend anymore. Over the past few years, it has earned its place as a popular beverage around the world. And it’s no surprise because temperature is not the only thing that differentiates it from regular coffee. Let’s look at…

  • 4-tips-healthier-tastier-coffee

    4 Tips for a Healthier and Tastier Coffee

    Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world – it has many health benefits, makes you feel good, and it tastes great. But what if you could make it even better? Here are a few strategic additions that will help you justify…

  • better-antioxidant-coffee

    Is There a Better Antioxidant than Coffee?

    Coffee is often praised for its antioxidative capabilities. How does it compare to other popular antioxidant sources like chocolate, wine, berries, or various spices? How many antioxidants do we need per day? Is coffee enough?