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Background Category: <span>Safety</span>


  • bike-theft-anxiety-and-what-to-do-about-it

    Bike-Theft Anxiety (And What to Do About It)

    Over the past six months, more and more people have been turning to their two-wheeled companion for transportation, leisure, and relief. This means that bikes have been selling at an unprecedented rate. Although we’re generally thrilled to see more people taking up the sport, the…

  • 5-enemies-of-every-single-cyclist

    5 Enemies of Every Single Cyclist

    Every cyclist faces annoying things with the incredible potential of turning our daily ride into torment. Here are the five most unpopular obstacles and solutions to combat them.

  • united-kingdom-launches-a-2-billion-cycling-revolution

    United Kingdom Launches a £2-Billion Cycling Revolution

    Boris Johnson, the UK’s Prime Minister, vowed earlier this year to bring about the golden age of cycling. Yesterday, on July 28, he made an announcement that has lived up to cycling campaigners’ expectations. There’ll be protected lanes, tax cuts for e-bikes, vouchers for bike…

  • cyclists-and-trucks-how-to-safely-share-the-road

    How to Safely Share the Road with Truck Drivers

    Heavy shipping vehicles pose a significant threat to the urban cyclist. According to several studies conducted across European cities, the presence of trucks turned out to increase accident risk and cycling accidents involving a truck are more likely to have more severe consequences.