Big data refers to the enormous amount of information that we generate and collect daily, across a variety of sources and in a variety of formats. These data, when properly harnessed, offer valuable insights into patterns, trends, and associations, especially those related to human behavior. One area where this potential has started to unfold is in the planning and development of bicycle-friendly cities.
Urban planning
Through the use of big data, city planners and policymakers can gain a deeper understanding of the existing cycling infrastructure and usage patterns. For instance, data can reveal frequently used routes, peak usage times, and accident hotspots. This kind of information is crucial in helping officials make informed decisions about where to prioritize investments in infrastructure, such as bike lanes, bike-sharing stations, or parking facilities.
A shining example of this is Copenhagen, Denmark. This city, known as one of the world’s most bicycle-friendly cities, has installed sensors and RFID readers throughout its urban landscape to collect data about cycling traffic. Insights into cyclist behaviors, including peak travel times, common routes, and even bicycle speeds, have informed strategic improvements to infrastructure. For example, the city installed “green waves” (coordinated traffic signals that allow groups of cyclists to pass through intersections without stopping) on several high-traffic routes based on the data showing when and where the most significant numbers of cyclists were riding.

Predictive analysis
Big data’s predictive capabilities are another critical factor in shaping bicycle-friendly cities. Predictive analysis can help determine the impact of potential changes in infrastructure or policy before they are implemented. For instance, a proposed network of cycling paths can be virtually tested using existing data on commuter behavior, traffic patterns, and road safety. This allows for a more effective, efficient, and cost-conscious planning process.
Public engagement
Big data can also foster more extensive public engagement. By making data accessible and understandable to the public, city authorities can encourage residents to contribute to the development of cycling infrastructure. This can take the form of crowd-sourced mapping projects, public surveys, or participatory budgeting processes. Engaging the public in this way can enhance the sense of community ownership and promote the usage of cycling infrastructure once it is in place.
Traffic management
The use of real-time data can significantly contribute to traffic management in a city. Understanding the flow of cyclists at any given moment can help in adjusting traffic signal timings, implementing dynamic traffic management measures, and even issuing real-time safety warnings to cyclists and drivers. Such measures can help reduce congestion, improve road safety, and promote cycling as a reliable mode of transport.
New York City provides a vivid illustration of this. The city’s bike-share program, Citi Bike, generates enormous amounts of publicly accessible data on the usage of its bicycles, including data on start and end times of trips, start and end locations, trip durations, and more. This information has been instrumental in making decisions about adding new bike stations and redistributing bikes to match patterns of demand throughout the day. Moreover, in combination with other datasets, this data has been used to improve road safety by identifying and targeting improvements to problematic intersections and corridors under the city’s Vision Zero initiative.
Environmental impact assessment
Finally, big data can also help assess the environmental impact of promoting cycling. By comparing data on emissions, noise pollution, and energy consumption across different modes of transport, it is possible to quantify the environmental benefits of cycling. This can provide a robust argument for further investments in cycling infrastructure and promotion.
Big data is playing a pivotal role in shaping bicycle-friendly cities. By providing valuable insights into commuter behavior, infrastructure usage, traffic management, and environmental impact, big data enables policymakers and urban planners to make informed decisions. As technology continues to evolve and the amount of data we generate and collect grows, the role of big data in shaping sustainable, efficient, and livable cities will only become more crucial.