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The Astana Pro Team First Ever Rap Video Is the Weirdest Thing You’ll See Today

By Frantiska Blazkova

There are some time-proven ways for pro peloton riders to boost the visibility of their sponsors and woo new fans – they tend to mostly do with supreme performance, team personas, gear branding, advertising and the likes. Anyways, these might seem a bit too overused in the field lately, which might tempt some individuals to set out on rather unorthodox paths.

The riders from the Astana Pro Team, fronted by Belgian Laurens de Vreese, apparently decided to compose and shoot a music video, which they posted on the team’s official Twitter on Monday, January 14, causing it to go semi-viral in the cycling community. Trying to ride the popular ‘SoundCloud rap’ aesthetic, the crew of riders can be seen leaning in the hallways, showing chiselled abs, standing on car roofs looking menacing or donning massive chain necklaces with golden derailleurs.

Besides background voices whispering ‘Astana’, the lyrics feature such gems as:

We are the only team who wore blue before,
all the other blue teams it’s better to ignore.”

Big game,
gold chain,
Panchic shoes,
never lose.”

You might laugh (and you will) but at the end of the day, you have to admit that what these guys did was pretty damn clever. Not susceptible to awkwardness and shame, they knew very well they’ll become the talk of the town, which is, all in all, an excellent strategy.

While the notorious Slovak extraordinaire Peter Sagan is well known for his musical career on the side, as you can see here, this might be a deeply calculated promotional step because the popularity of rap has been steadfastly soaring during the recent years.

Despite appreciating the hidden genius, we have to ask: What’s next? The Rap-Ha Gang?