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Tag: Trek

  • will-gen-z-make-cycling-great-again

    Will Gen Z Make Cycling Great Again?

    Those born earlier are often surprised that members of the younger generation do things differently. Young people are thought to see the world differently, to behave differently, to have different priorities and interests. Various surveys show that they have different attitudes to travel, food, shopping…

  • level-up-your-eco-friendly-cycling-practices-for-earth-day

    Level Up Your Eco-Friendly Cycling Practices for Earth Day

    It’s Earth Day today and we think it’s a good time to reflect on sustainability and environmental friendliness in relation to our cycling habits. Cycling has long been recognised as an environmentally responsible mode of transportation. Still, in recent years, there has been a growing…

  • the-cycling-industry-begins-to-tackle-climate-change

    The Cycling Industry Begins to Tackle Climate Change

    One of the world’s best-known bicycle brands, Trek, released its sustainability report for 2021. What did they find? There is an interesting sentence in Trek’s report: “If you ride about 430 miles you would have otherwise driven, you’ve saved the carbon equivalent of what it…

  • hows-the-worlds-bike-supply-doing

    How’s The World’s Bike Supply Doing?

    In many ways, the cycling industry was positioned to reap tremendous benefits from the significant boost in interest during the pandemic. With more and more new cyclists looking to invest in their own set of wheels, though, it quickly became apparent that supply would be…