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Tag: Caffein

  • caffeinated-chewing-gum-should-cyclists-use-it

    Caffeinated Chewing Gum – Should Cyclists Use It?

    Caffeine is one of the few performance-enhancing supplements that actually works. There are many studies showings it improves performance in a variety of sports. Plus, most of us cyclists have a first-hand experience with how much difference an espresso mid-ride can make. But coffee is…

  • 4-things-you-should-know-about-coffee-as-a-cyclist

    4 Things You Should Know About Coffee as a Cyclist

    Are you a passionate cyclist? Chances are you know a lot about coffee and how potent it can be for improving cycling performance. There’s always more to learn about coffee. Let’s take a look at how you should change your coffee intake with age, if…