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Level Up with the Bunny Hop

By Christopher Ashley

Depending on the cycling company you keep, bunny hopping is often the first “trick” you learn. I grew up a road cyclist, and I’m not ashamed to say – I never learned to bunny hop. I left it to my friends who never grew out of their BMXs.

The bunny hop is to cycling what the ollie is to skateboarding – a jump where both the vehicle and the rider move in apparent synchronicity so that both move as a whole. If done properly, the pedals appear to stick to the feet of the rider. It looks cool and Kyle claims April can learn it in a day.

Kyle’s detailed drills have me convinced that even I could learn to do it. I’m just struggling to think of any practical application of this trick, though. If you could jump on a bike, what would you do?

The practical application for Danny MacAskill is that he earns decent sponsorship money making videos of himself jumping obstacles found in the ruins of a once-industrialised island community. That’s not exactly going to help make your commute. Give me a good, honest road bike any day.

Ah, OK. I guess the benefits of bunny hopping are directly related to the kinds of obstacles you may want to avoid making contact with. A tour cyclist like Nibali uses bunny hops to avoid wet tarmac. And now I come to think of it, I wish I’d learned to bunny hop before encountering those tramlines in Manchester. Maybe I should give Kyle’s tutorial another look…

Next up in Level Up series