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Coolest News from the World of Cycling

By Martin Mrazek

Another Monday is here and our news from the world of cycling with it! So what did you miss?

Shaw Rides the Shore


In the last couple of years, a new wave of fast and fun trails has been made in the North Shore, and because of that the area itself has become more and more attractive to riders again. Daniel Shaw, one of the local Vancouver riders, shows how much fun the new trails can be. And let’s be honest. It looks bloody fantastic.

“Take the Cyclists Out and Shoot Them.”

Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary says controversial things pretty regularly, but this time he didn’t take it just a step too far, he seems to have taken a giant leap out of anyone’s comfort zone.

Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary says controversial things pretty regularly, but this time he didn’t take it just a step too far, he seems to have taken a giant leap out of anyone’s comfort zone.

“That’s all we need in Dublin is more blooming bicycles,” he said about the proposed plan to make Dublin a more bike-friendly city.

“In a country where it rains about 250 days a year, the way forward for Dublin is more bicycles. Let’s just go back to walking altogether. Soon we’ll be living in caves designed by Dublin City Council. Traffic won’t work, there’s nowhere to park the cars and yet this is a smarter way forward,” he added and then went for the punch line.

“We should take the cyclists out and shoot them.”

Simple Session 2016 

The biggest indoor BMX contest in the world is back at Estonia’s Saku Arena again, and with the riders’ list featuring some of the best names the sport has to offer. It is guaranteed fun. Enjoy the highlights and the amazing skills.

Feel Like Exploring the World?


Check out our selection of camper bikes HERE. Would you like to travel like this?

Brand New Cycling Madness

Trocadero came up with a bicycle with a twisting frame, and it looks like a hell lot of fun. It’s as practical as a Ferrari, but we want it just as much anyway. Just look how bizarre it is!