There are many variations of a vegetarian diet. In its basic form, you just leave out all types of meat – that means no chicken, no pork, no beef, and no fish. Some people restrict their diet even more, removing also eggs, dairy, and in the most extreme version, all animal foods – then it would be called a vegan diet, and that’s a separate topic. In this series, we will talk about the basic version of a vegetarian diet.
My advice: stick to wholesome foods
So, you’re thinking about giving up meat. I’m sure you saw a lot of articles and adds describing various meat alternatives, meatless recipes, and vegetarian products. Some of them might be worth you attention, others not so much. But there’s one rule that will always be useful to keep in mind – eat real wholesome foods. There’s all the protein, vitamins and minerals you need in eggs, dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes, veggies, and fruits. If the majority of your diet is made up of those things then you will be just fine without meat. It’s only when you start thinking that anything meatless is automatically good for you that you get in trouble.
Do you think you already know a lot about being a vegetarian? You can take our little quiz and see how you do. Make sure to follow the rest of the series, especially if you make a few mistakes!

Can you eat fish and chicken on a vegetarian diet?

Should you eat this regularly as a source of protein?

Is this a good vegetarian meal?

What’s the best way of getting enough vitamin B12 as a vegetarian?