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The Newest Sensation: Road Bike Parkour

By Martin Mrazek

Everyone seems to be familiar with parkour these days but Road Bike Parkour? That’s a completely different story. Because of the sport‘s extreme difficulty, it’s not very likely for you to watch it with your own eyes any time soon. That’s why we bring you this video with the master himself, Max Schrom, in the main role.

Since the last Road Bike Parkour video was such a success Škoda Auto teamed up with Škoda Radsport and together they supported a sequel entitled Snow Ride. Max Schrom is at it again and proves that cycling in winter conditions is possible even on a road bike.

Would you dare to try this?

The video starts in sunny Barcelona, however , where the 3x world record holder makes his way through the city performing incredible stunts. Tackling Austria‘s snow-covered slopes must have been much more of a challenge but Max makes it look just as easy.

Max Schrom makes road bike cycling on snow look so easy.