The 4 Extremely Dangerous Mountain Biking Trails Worldwide

By Martin Atanasov

Have you ever heard of an MTB rider who went on the trail for its safety and lack of thrilling features? Yeah, that never happened. The point of rushing down slopes that even mountain goats would consider a bit too reckless to climb is definitely not something you do out of consideration for your health. You do it for the adrenalin, the rush, and the excitement of conquering your fears and navigating your bike down a treacherous terrain.

Still, not every MTB ride is equally dangerous. There are those for beginners and those for professionals. Then, there are those trails that can literally make your hair fall out of stress. So here are the four most dangerous MTB trails in the entire world. To make it more interesting, we took the most dangerous paths of each continent.

Death Road, Bolivia

With a charming name like this, you know you’re in for the ride of your life. This Bolivian trail is actually a genuine car road that was abandoned due to the high fatality rate. Also known as the North Yungas Road, it’s an extremely narrow mountain road that connects La Paz with the Yungas region. The route is about 65 km and descends the mind-altering 3657m. The road’s gradient can go as high as 50% in its steepest sections. Of course, that wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t on the side of the mountain and there wasn’t a 600-meter drop to your doom, just a slip away.

Death Road in Bolivia
The Yungas Highway, also popularly known as the Death Road, was labeled as one of the most dangerous roads in the world.

To add to the fun, there are constant landslides, and during the wet season, the side of the mountain becomes a genuine waterfall, which makes the entire experience more dangerous. This trail has taken some riders as tribute, as since 1998, 18 bikers never got to the bottom of this trail.

Despite all this, as the trail was actually once a car road, if you are not too frivolous with your speeds and you are cautious, chances of a fatal fall are slim to none. On the upside, you can enjoy unparalleled views and nature along the entire road.

The Old Smuggler’s Trail, Cambodia

How can we leave a trail with such a stunning name outside our list? The Old Smuggler’s trail is located in the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia. The course gets its name from its history as a smuggler’s route used to transport goods between Cambodia and Thailand.

The trail offers a unique and challenging mountain biking experience, with steep descents, narrow paths, and technical features that require a high level of skill and experience. Riders can expect to navigate rocky terrain, sharp turns, and treacherous drops as they make their way through the rugged mountain landscape.

The local fauna is also hazardous, as a variety of venomous snakes and spiders call this jungle home. On the upside, you can see some exotic and extremely rare plants and animals along the way, most of which won’t try to kill you.

If that doesn’t sound adventurous enough, you will also get to cross a river. Unfortunately, during the monsoon season, the river becomes a bit too wild to cross. So, instead, you can use the zipline with your bike, which will take you to the other bank. This is definitely one experience you will never forget.

Maritime Alps Trail, France

While the Death Road was generally designed for cars and was taken by MTB riders only after getting its infamy, I can’t imagine how and why anyone would consider creating the Maritime Alps Trail. Located in the southwest Alps in France, the trail is dangerous even for hikers, let alone balancing your bike on a narrow 1-meter-wide path with high rocks on your right and a deep abyss on your left. Only the most skilled riders should try this trail, as the fall from the ledge will drop you several hundred meters, and you will have plenty of time to think about what you did wrong before inevitably hitting the ground below.

On this trail, you will have to navigate through the most challenging terrain imaginable, with a mix of slippery rocks and some giant boulders combined with steep descends and some very angry goats here and there.

Whichever trail in this entire network you decide to take, just be sure you are skilled enough to finish it. Once you set off on this otherwise gorgeous path, there is no turning back.

The Old Smuggler’s Trail, Cambodia

How can we leave a trail with such a stunning name outside our list? The Old Smuggler’s trail is located in the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia. The course gets its name from its history as a smuggler’s route used to transport goods between Cambodia and Thailand.

The trail offers a unique and challenging mountain biking experience, with steep descents, narrow paths, and technical features that require a high level of skill and experience. Riders can expect to navigate rocky terrain, sharp turns, and treacherous drops as they make their way through the rugged mountain landscape.

The local fauna is also hazardous, as a variety of venomous snakes and spiders call this jungle home. On the upside, you can see some exotic and extremely rare plants and animals along the way, most of which won’t try to kill you.

If that doesn’t sound adventurous enough, you will also get to cross a river. Unfortunately, during the monsoon season, the river becomes a bit too wild to cross. So, instead, you can use the zipline with your bike, which will take you to the other bank. This is definitely one experience you will never forget.

Adventure Time Trail, South Africa

Finally, let’s not forget that Africa can also offer death-defying MTB routes to satisfy your adrenalin diet. In fact, many could end up on our list, but Adventure Time, located in the Western Cape region of South Africa, is definitely the most dangerous of the bunch.

The trail starts in the Jonkershoek Nature Reserve and winds through the rugged mountains, offering riders a thrilling and challenging experience. The course is a mix of singletrack, jeep track, and rocky terrain, with steep descents, sharp turns, and technical features that require a high level of skill and experience. The Adventure Time Trail is also known for its stunning views, with riders enjoying panoramic vistas of the surrounding mountains, valleys, and vineyards.

The region is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including eagles, snakes, and baboons. If you have ever met a baboon outside the zoo, you’d know why people prefer to stay away from these aggressive and downright crazy monkeys.

Still, if you are an experienced rider, riding the Adventure Time trail will definitely be among the highlights of your riding career. Moreover, the track is impeccably marked and maintained, so you won’t have to worry about how you will get there. You have enough to worry about once you are on your bike and on the trail.

Riding tomorrow should be a priority

These 5 trails are certainly a challenge, and if you are not ready, just take your rides at your own pace. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, so if you don’t feel prepared to try your skills on these extremely dangerous trails, just don’t do it. After all, riding tomorrow should always be a priority, so don’t risk your health and bike for no reason other than your vanity.