
Man Gave Away Almost Three Hundred Children’s Bikes

By Tereza Antonova

When the customers walked into a local deli shop in Palm Harbor, Florida, in December 2020, apart from shelves of food and produce, they stumbled upon a pile of children’s bicycles. The curious ones inquiring about this peculiar bicycle mountain learnt that all those two-wheelers will soon make their way to kids from less fortunate backgrounds.

This wasn’t the first bike giveaway organized by Georges Elou, the Shlomo Gourmet Subs and Deli owner. 2020 introduced the 9th edition and, despite the grim events of the Covid-19 outbreak (and the related bike shortage), it turned out to be a very successful year when it came to collecting bicycles and donations. The local community pitched in with all its might.

On Christmas Eve, the so-called “Shlomo Army” gathered at the deli, cruised the parking lot and then took to the streets to parade the bikes.

Georges Elou
Georges Elou, the owner of Shlomo Gourmet Subs and Deli, assembles a bicycle with his girlfriend, Becca Raith. © Profimedia

Georges did not advertise the event as he believes actions of charity should not become a pompous show. And so he relied on the good old word getting out and being passed further. In the end, almost 300 kids received their new means of transport.

“A bike is more than just a toy to a young man. It’s freedom,” commented Georges.

A big shout-out to him and all those who participated!