The two-meter (six-feet) tall bicycle made its first trip to a grocery store in April. Coming up with the #lockdownbreaakdown hashtag, Colin assured us that we are not alone with those weird feelings and behaviour we’ve been experiencing in the lockdown. The crafty YouTuber found a way to channel them usefully and built a bicycle that allowed him to ride in the public and meet people and still keep the 2-m social distance.

Obviously, the special construction poses some challenges. The riding itself is not so hard according to Colin but it is rather challenging when you need to take corners. Also, given the height, the best way to park the Hibike is near a lamppost so you can climb down. Despite these little obstacles, we definitely think Colin’s invention deserves a great cheer.
“Not only am I keeping my social distance, I’m causing a lot of smiles. Everyone’s getting their phones out,” Colin noted. Well, he definitely made us smile. Check out the video and join the happy crowd!