
5 Reasons We Love Indoor Cycling 

By Megan Flottorp

Whether you’re currently considering extending your winter regime, excitedly unpacking your first turbo trainer or just hopping on the old stationary bike in the basement for the first time in years – there is plenty to get excited about. A great way to burn major calories, keep your body toned and strong, and clear your mind, you’ll soon discover the many reasons why indoor cycling has developed such a loyal fan base.

Due to the fact that you’re in a controlled environment, indoor training really allows you to explore your limits and focus on hitting your pace or working in desired intervals without having to worry about interruptions or distractions. At the same time, it can just be a nice way to carve out a quick 20-minute spin that is all about you. No matter what kind of ride you’re looking for, here are five reasons we love indoor cycling!

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It’s accessible to all fitness levels

Whether you’re totally new to the sport of cycling or are a competitive professional, you can get a wicked workout on an indoor bike. If you already have a bike, putting together the indoor setup is fairly easy, meaning that even if you can’t get outside – there’s little standing between you and that euphoric post-ride rush. You can also take on whatever kind of challenge you’re feeling up to depending on the day. From working towards your training goals to exploring new roads on an interactive digital platform, it’s all about making the ride fun and fulfilling for you.

It allows you to really tune in to your body

When cycling indoors, you can easily craft a diverse and challenging ride for yourself with little risk of injury. Even when you’re sprinting, the chances of hurting yourself on an indoor bike are extremely low. You’re also free from any of the potential hazards outdoors, so you can really tune in to your movements and focus 100 % on how your body feels and the way your muscles respond at different points in the ride. You can also easily take a break whenever needed, no need to worry about bonking when you are miles away from home.

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You can customize your experience every time you ride

You have complete control over the experience of riding a bike inside. Sure, you don’t get the freedom of the open road but you also don’t have to deal with unexpected traffic jams, unpredictable drivers, off-leash dogs, and broken pavement. You can also safely fill your ears with whatever sounds make you ride at your best. Blaring your favourite tunes while crushing a workout is a fun and empowering experience. Enjoy creating a playlist that motivates you to push through the tougher parts of your workout and offers some more chilled out melodies to cool down with.

It’s great for overall health and stress relief

Just like cycling outdoors, indoor training provides fantastic benefits for your lungs and heart, making it one of the top cardiovascular activities. You’ll also be strengthening your whole body – in particular, your glutes, hamstrings, calves, and triceps. By practising good posture while you ride indoors, you’ll also be building core and back strength. And perhaps most importantly right now, getting on the bike allows you to zone out in the safety of your own home and provide yourself with some much-needed stress relief. As you focus on your ride, the tension melts away and you’ll be left with a boost of endorphins and a stronger body and mind.

There’s an awesome community!

The cycling community is a strong, diverse, and inspiring group of people – and you can be part of it even while riding at home. In fact, for some people who are newer to the sport, it can actually be less intimidating to engage with other cyclists remotely. Whether that’s through interactive platforms like Zwift, or simply sharing the workout you did on a social media group and getting advice and feedback from others, you’re never alone (unless you want to be, of course).

In times when many of us are forced to rethink how we incorporate cycling into our daily schedules, we have a great opportunity to step back and appreciate the community we’ve helped to build and are a part of. Whether you’ve always loved riding indoors or are trying it out for the first time, let’s come together to celebrate the fact that we can still rely on the sport we love to get us through any challenges that life throws our way!